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Standards for Retention and Graduation

Students must be making satisfactory progress toward the degree in order to maintain status at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism and to be eligible for any student financial assistance. A student is deemed not to be making satisfactory progress if he or she has a grade point average below 3.0, and/or has accumulated more than two open grades (“INC,” “INP.”)

Please refer to the sections on “Incomplete Grades,” “Standards for Retention,” “Grading System,” which appear in this handbook.

The Office of Student Affairs at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism reviews each student’s record every semester and matriculation may be terminated for unsatisfactory academic performance— generally considered less than a “B’’ average and/or failure to meet other program requirements.

If a student receives an “F” in a course required for completion of the program, they must repeat this course. Upon completion of the repeated course, the two grades will be averaged into the student’s grade point average. The “F” is not replaced but rather averaged into the overall GPA. The repeated course with a grade of “B” or better will be considered as meeting the degree requirements.

If formal standards have not been met, a student may register (and receive financial aid, if otherwise eligible) only upon petition to the Associate Dean and the Director of Student Affairs. Students whose petitions are approved are considered to be making satisfactory progress toward the degree and are eligible to receive financial aid.

Students who are employed by the University must show satisfactory performance in these activities. If this performance is found to be unsatisfactory, such employment may be terminated. This type of termination is independent of satisfactory academic progress.

Graduation is dependent upon completing the required course of study with a GPA of at least 3.0 and submitting a Capstone project. Students who complete the course of study and have not attained a

3.0 may have one or more additional semesters in which to take coursework to bring their GPA up to the 3.0 standard, upon the approval of the Associate Dean.