Title IX Sexual Assault Policy

Combating Sexual Assault and Other Unwelcome Sexual Behavior

Anyone of any gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, citizenship status, race, class or educational level can suffer from sexual harassment, including sexual violence. Our goal is to help you understand what sexual harassment means and let you know that there are people at CUNY and in the community who can help if you or others experience it. We want to make sure you understand your rights as a student, CUNY's policies, and other issues related to sexual harassment and assault.

On every CUNY campus there is a person who has special training in helping students who are facing issues related to sexual harassment and assault. In an emergency, please call ext. 7777 if you're on campus for public safety. If you're off-campus, please call 911 right away for help. For more help and guidance, please contact Sahana Gupta, the school's Title IX Coordinator, for guidance or information. Or, go here for more information, https://www.journalism.cuny.edu/title-ix/