Dan Reshef,
Director of Technology
Team Members
Scott Moulder, Senior Network Engineer Dimitri Pavlovic, Senior Network Engineer Daniel Kaminski, Manager of Information Technology
Ernst Elizee, Information Technology Specialist
Phanuel Llaverias, Web Developer
The Technology Department at the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism is responsible for the physical and virtual technology systems including telecommunications, cloud and local data systems and services. The mission of this unit is to promote, facilitate, and support the effective use of technology. Organizationally, the department is comprised of three divisions: Networking, IT Services and Support, and Web.
Student Technical Requirements
For the most current information regarding technology, answers to common technical questions and helpful instructions, you can visit the school’s website: https:// requirements/
IT Resources
Required School Software: Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, Acrobat Pro, and Media Encoder. Pro-Tools, Audio Hijack Pro, Microsoft Office, Email via web client or Google mail app
Computer Labs – Desktop computers and software
Newmark Journalism Wired and Wireless Network
On-campus printing UNSUPPORTED
Operations and configuration of your home network (eg. cable modem and wireless)
Home printing
Mobile phones
Third-party email apps
Any other applications not on the supported list.
Access to IT Resources
After Graduation
Maintain access to
Newmark school email account
Alumni mailing list
Facebook Group
Use the J-School’s IT resources when visiting the campus (computer labs, and software on Desktops)
Deactivation of
VPN Access after 60 days from
Network account after 60 days
Office 365 account after 60 days
File-share access after 60 days
Adobe and Pro-Tools Licenses on the July
31 following your graduation
If Withdrawing From the School
Within five days of the technology team being notified of the separation, the following will occur:
Your email account will be deleted
You will lose network access
Your VPN will be deactivated
You will be removed from the various
Newmark Facebook Groups
Deactivation of Office 365 account
Files will be deleted from the file server
Adobe and Pro-Tools Licenses revoked
Email Communication Policy
Students should note that the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism sends official email only to students’ Newmark Journalism email addresses.
City University of New York Privacy Policy
The City University of New York Privacy Policy applies to users of and is intended to explain what types of information is gathered from users and how that information is used. Members of the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism Community should also refer to the City University of New York Policy on Acceptable Use of Computer Resources which outlines CUNY’s internal policy for the use and protection of CUNY computer resources.
City University of New York Policy of Acceptable Use of Computer Resources
CUNY’s computer resources are dedicated to the support of the University’s mission of education, research and public service. In furtherance of this mission, CUNY respects, upholds and endeavors to safeguard the principles of academic freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of inquiry. Users are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with the laws, rules, policies, contracts, and licenses applicable to their use of CUNY networks, equipment, and resources. In particular, all users should be aware that New York State’s Freedom of Information Law requires disclosure, on request, of information kept, maintained, filed or produced on CUNY computer resources, unless a specific statutory exemption applies. sites/4/page-assets/about/administration/ offices/cis/it-policies/ComputerUsePolicy1. pdf