Public Safety Department
(646) 758-7777
John Scully
Director of Public Safety
Phone: (646) 758-7834
Team Members
Frandy Germain, Campus Peace Officer II
Rommell Butcher, Campus Peace Officer I
Nicholas Pacheco, Campus Peace Officer I
The Department of Public Safety is staffed by trained campus peace officers who are available to assist the campus community at all times during operational hours. Campus peace officers are fully qualified to respond to emergencies.
How to Report An Emergency
Call 911 to report emergencies that require the immediate response of the NYPD, FDNY, or Emergency Medical Services (EMS). If calling 911 from a campus phone (offices), dial 9-1 for an outside line, followed by 911. Please be advised that classroom phones do not dial out. Please call Public safety at 87777.
Call 87777 from any campus phone to reach the public safety desk during regular business
hours and to expedite emergency responses.
In the case of a fire emergency, an alarm will sound and you will be given directions via the PA system by the building’s Fire Safety Director and/or Public Safety staff directing everyone to the emergency exits. There are building evacuation plans posted by the elevators on the 3rd and 4th floors.
For more detailed emergency procedures please go to the Public Safety webpage at security-public-safety/
CUNY Alert
All students are strongly encouraged to participate in the CUNY Alert system. The CUNY Alert system is designed to give you immediate and up-to-date information regarding weather, utility, and emergency situations. The system can contact you and family or friends, as you designate, via text message, cell phone, landline, and/or e-mail. The system can offer all methods of notice, a single method, or any combination. It is user friendly and can prove to be invaluable before, during, and after an emergency. Simply log onto alert and follow the instructions. Contact information for all registered students is included in the CUNY Alert system, except for the contact information for those students who affirmatively choose to opt-out of receiving CUNY Alert messages. If you have trouble accessing or modifying your contact information in CUNY Alert, please contact the IT help desk.
Stay Safe
Be alert when you’re alone. Be aware of who is around you.
Do not leave your belongings unattended, even for a few minutes.
Avoid displaying large amounts of cash or other tempting targets such as jewelry, electronics, or expensive clothing.
Travel in groups of two or more at night and always walk in well-lit, heavily traveled areas.
ID Cards & Lockers
Each student is issued an ID card for accessing the building and campus. You may be randomly asked to show your ID card at the 3rd floor Public Safety desk. If you lose your ID card, notify Public Safety at your earliest convenience via email at Public.
The cost to replace your ID is $10 and a Press Pass is $5. Do not give your colleagues, classmates, or guests your ID card to access the campus.
Each student is assigned a locker and should not be shared. Public Safety Officers cannot allow another student access into your locker.
If you are expecting a guest they should be prepared to show a valid ID at the lobby entrance and at the 3rd floor Public Safety desk and sign in. When you leave the campus your guest must leave with you.
Do not have postal carriers (USPS, UPS, FEDEX) deliver your personal mail or packages to campus.
Please contact the Public Safety desk if there is a spill, something broken, missing, or other facilities questions.